Friday 6 November 2015

Living with your insecurities

Every day is a reason to be happy. Right! Easier said.
I hope that this post touches somebody the positive way. I have always been insecure. I have always felt not good enough and this didn't help the choices I made.

I am dark skin with a long neck and toothpick legs. I obsessed over these features. I will always think about bleaching my skin. I will always worry about what people thought about my legs. This continued all through my secondary school days. Then, university happened. In university, alot of boys felt I was sexy. My dark skin wasn't a taboo anymore. my neck was graceful and my legs were not so bad after all.  I felt better about myself.

Today, I have greater insecurities because at 23, I am single and suffering from a terrible acne situation which started early this year. I have been celibate for almost two years now preparing for the right person. Thing is, the class of men I desire don't date broke girls like me who have no achievements. How do you think I feel? I have tried everything I can afford to get rid of these pimples all to no avail. I have been searching frantically for a job but nothing has worked.

I don't know what you are going through. A lot of my friends insist that my acne should not be considered a problem but I beg to differ. Are you depressed? Is there anything in particular that makes you feel less than what you are? Do you have something planted at the back of your mind that continually drags you down? I think I know what we should do.

We can live with this insecurities. We can try to overcome these insecurities. Are you ready to live your life? Are you ready to take control of your life? Well, I am. So these are the things I suggest we do.

1. Stop worrying.
2. Stop thinking about these insecurities.
3. Don't let these insecurities be the reason why you don't enjoy all the great things life has to offer.
4. Go out often.
5. Laugh more.
6. Grow your faith.

Everything above is self explanatory and yes, I have decided to heed my own advice. I can't stay locked up in my tower for fear of what people will think of my condition and neither should you. I may not be able to snag the man of my dreams because of how I look and feel but I will try to enjoy life for what it is. And, indeed everyday is a reason to be happy. The key question really is, "are you willing to allow yourself be happy despite all that worries you?"

Let us go on this journey of self actualisation together. Take my hand. It is going to be alright. Trust me.

The Lagos Rebel 😍

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