Sunday 1 November 2015

Hello world!!!

My blog! Finally!!!
You cannot begin to comprehend how exciting this is for me. Practically everyone had asked me to start up my own blog. Finally, after completing my service year and several attempts to get a job, I figured a blog wouldn't be so bad after all.

First, I want to thank my friends who have pushed me one way or the other. I want to thank Todun for this beautiful site logo (I still can't get over how beautiful it is). I want to thank my day one friend, Motun for the endless support she has rendered in the course of starting this project. To Dankaro, kuebano, Nwando, Nasa and those I can't remember, I want to say a big thank you.

This blog is going to act as a chronicle of my life henceforth. It's funny that I was born and bred in Lagos state but cannot actually name 5 places comfortably. Don't get me wrong, I am a very social person but I just don't go out in Lagos. It doesn't help that I didn't school in this city. Well, with this blog as motive, I plan to explore the city of lagos and share excerpts of my experience with you guys. I will be visiting hotels, bars, restaurants, beaches and pretty much every where I can afford.

I will also be sharing details of my life as well as gossip and fashion tips. I am too excited, can you feel it?
Hello REBELS, I am Jacinta the lagos rebel and I am excited to meet you too.

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