Thursday 31 December 2015

Another day, another baby mama saga

The urban dictionary defines a baby mama as a woman or lady who chooses to have a child by a man who she isn't married to. I use the word "choose" because it is a choice, you either want to keep it or you don't.

Now, I remember back in the day, having a child out of wedlock was a huge taboo. I especially wasn't a fan of how the ladies were treated as they were made to feel inferior. Fast forward to 2015 and being a baby mama is now a glorified status. Women now use their children as meal tickets.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Swag it out in an agbada

Growing up, I always regarded the agbada as an elderly outfit. Fast forward to 2015 and it is a statement piece for men who know their stuff even Runtown the musician has kind of coined the look such that he is now synonymous with the look. Peep what the modern man looks like with the agbada below.
 Stylish huh? Now it is so stylish that even igbo boys rock the look on a regular basis. Here are some of the reasons why I particularly like this look:
- it is a fresh look and fits all body types accordingly.
- it is a break from the normal look we have come to expect from young men.
- it is very comfortable to wear.

To pull this look off you would need at least 6 yards of material. You could use just about any sort of material but it is probably best you consult with your tailor first.

There's something about these male models

I can't quite place it but for a very long time now, I have had this distinct fascination for male models. Maybe because of how the glossy magazine papers portray them as gods on earth or their perfect features or their swag or some unexplainable reason. They always seem to know that women would come to drool over them thence they strike sexy poses with very astute facial expressions that somehow manage to make maidens swoon.

How do they even do it? Stone washed rock hard abs, chiselled jaws, waxed skins, hair to kill for... really, what is there not to desire about them.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Man Crush Alert

So, I love to check the explore page on the instagram app and
guess who I stumbled on? Him!

Omg! Rebels, say hi to this large chunk of chocolate,  Christian Thompson. Isn't he gorgeous? He got me going through his pictures in less than 5 seconds. I'm gonna post some interesting pictures of him.

Continue to see more pictures of this hunk! *winks*

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas rebels!

Hi rebels. I had promised to keep you posted on how my Christmas is going but I have been too busy dealing with reality here in the village. It had been two years since we last came to the village so I was very excited. First thing first, my village is a town. Yes. I am from the capital of Anambra state. My town is so full of life but it also very expensive to live in. Nothing really beats hearing one igbo dialect from everyone. Nothing beats seeing old relatives. Nothing!

I could go on and on about my village but that is not all I wanted to share with you. It's cool that we get to enjoy ourselves immensely and then spend time with our loved ones but let's never forget the reason for the season. We are celebrating Christmas to mark the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ. He came into this world to set us free from the clutches of Satan. He came into this world to die. He was a loving person and loved to give. His life was never about him but others. We cannot be him. We can only aspire to be like him. Having said that, I implore you to make someone smile today. I call on you to touch a life positively today. Jesus Christ came for us so I want us to also be happy so take your time to enjoy yourself.

Very Merry Christmas Rebels. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Xoxo, The Lagos Rebel 😍 

Sunday 20 December 2015

She deserves a bag!

Looking for that ultimate Christmas or new year gift for that woman in your life? Look no more, I already did the looking. Now all you have to do is rush into one of the stores and buy. Take a look.

Trust me when I say that filters ain't got anything on these babies. Yes, it's @lushfairy again.

Visit lushfairy boutique at lifestyle mall, 31b admiralty way lekki phase 1, opposite ebeano supermarket. Also you can visit 34 Moore road along university road Akoka, Yaba, Lagos.
Contact number: 08126119151
Bb pin: 55e5692f

Happy shopping this festive season. She deserves it (note that the she can be you).

Xoxo,The Lagos Rebel 😍

Meet the brand: Morountodun Obaigbo

Hi rebels,
I want you to meet my girl Todun. She's an artist and does amazing graphics as well as other forms of art. A couple of you have pinged me to say you love my header image. Well, Todun hooked me up with the header and it was done in a rush. I have known todun like forever(we were in the same dormitory in secondary school) so you see, I can vouch for her. Well I have gushed enough. Please read till the end.

Guess who's back?

I know. I know it has been ages since my last post on the blog. Have you missed me? Well, I did miss you all. I missed all of you tremendously. I know that is hard to digest but it is true. You almost never comment on my post but I know you have been here because I see that my page views have jumped since the last time I was here.

Rebels, I purposely took a break off the blog to collect my ideas together. I took time off to find my direction. I don't want this blog to be just another blog to you. I want it to be THE BLOG. I can't wait till you discover all the juicy things I have in store for you.

Oh, it's Christmas in less than a week! Oh well! How have you been preparing? I'm igbo and my family and myself will be celebrating our Christmas and New year in our village. I will feed you more scoops of gist later. And hey, tell a friend to tell a friend to tell another friend that the lagos rebel is back!!! (In all truthfulness, I never left.)

Xoxo, The Lagos Rebel 😍