Saturday 9 January 2016

WHY ARE YOU DATING HIM? For the title or for his personality?

It's year 2016, it's a fresh year. What better time to tell some truths than now? We are stuck in an era where we feel the need to show off and let strangers in on how and why we take certain decisions. We want to seem loved, we want to seem fashionable, we want to seem friendly when in reality the only place where we have friends is on social media. A lot of times we jump on bandwagons just so as not to be the odd one out. Whatever happened to wanting to be different and embracing who you are? You want a tattoo simply because it's the in- thing not because there is a story you wish to tell. You want breast implants because Chelsea just got her some not because your breasts have been a dire insecurity of yours that has always made you feel small. You just don't want to carry last in this life. What a sad way to live.

Back to the topic at hand, do you ever feel some girls just tend to go overboard with the littlest things just for likes on instagram? Yeah, me too.
   "Wow! My boo just decided to take me out to dinner. I have got the best boyfriend ever!!! #thankful"
   "My soul mate just got me some of my favourite things- chocolates!!! I can kill for the bae."
I'm like bitch, shut the FUCK up! What's the big deal in him taking you out to dinner? What's the big deal in him buying you chocolates? Does it have to be on the gram? The fuck! Look here, these men can smell desperate a mile away so if he notices that these tiny things equate the whole world to you why would he do more? He's already getting the KING treatment. Now, I am not saying you shouldn't be grateful. You should. I am saying that it is what it is. Treat him accordingly. 

Most times, we girls date men because we don't want to be alone. We want to show our exes that we have moved on. We want to show our friends that somebody loves us as well. We want to look busy. We paint our relationship so different from what it really is. In truth, we are liars. We sometimes manage to convince ourselves that we are happy. Guess what, you are not! Your entire relationship borders around flirting via texts, eating, having sex and sending nudes. Meanwhile there's no real connection between the two of you but you are already possessive over the nigga. You need to chill babe, you are just friends with good benefits. know your place. Why are you bothered he doesn't do things he should do? Why are you bothered he doesn't spend time with you? He's not yours!!! Ask yourself how well you know your boyfriend. Have you ever taken out time to ask yourself if the man you're dating really is your type? Can you tell when he's happy? Have you seen him genuinely angry? Can you tell how to cheer him up? 


If you got the bomb pussy cat with zero IQ and little manners, how can you keep your man? Don't just date because you are alone, date because you see potential in the man and you can picture yourself loving that man. 

It's a new year, it's the perfect time to break off that one- sided relationship and start a new one. How about dating yourself? How about learning to love yourself genuinely because that seems to be the underlying problem. why can't you be by yourself? Why do you need a man to validate your existence? If you really love yourself then you would want the best for yourself and not settle for less, you won't be so eager to get a boo straight after a break up and ultimately, you will allow men treat you like a queen. You need to start asking yourself some of the questions in this post ladies.

In conclusion, please don't date for the title. Guess what, it doesn't make sense that a book has a bomb cover with little to no content. Date for the personality because in the long run, it saves you a whole lot of stress. Don't date for them intimate instagram pictures, date someone that will love you away from all the social media hype. Don't date because you want a relationship like someone else's, date because he is YOUR spec.

Alright rebels, let me know what you think? Title or personality? 

The Lagos Rebel 😍 


  1. Love it!!!!! A very Enlightening post. Keep up the good work babe

  2. Thanks M, words can't express how much your support means to me. X
