Wednesday, 20 April 2016

I Have Gone Natural... what's up #teamnaturalhair?

Yes, this is my new look. I finally cut my hair and let me tell you, I am completely proud of my new look. 

I never imagined a day would come when I will be on low cut but hey, what did I know. I had been hearing and witnessing the natural hair movement for some time but each time I always discarded it as "not my thing" simply because I already had not - too - fond memories of being on low cut all through my senior secondary school phase. So nope, I had zero interest.

However, it started to grow on me each time I ran into some really cute fashionista on instagram rocking her natural hair. I would say to my self, "that could be me!" It got me thinking. I began to ask myself questions. Who says I must keep a low cut forever? Why can't I love my natural hair? Who says i can't slay while rocking my natural hair? What's stopping me? And then I realised that I was just scared of how people will perceive me plus I was not sure how I would look like. In other words, I was the one stopping myself. So I began to research on natural hair. It really helped that about 3 of my friends had gone natural so they had lots of helpful advice and information to dish out. Then I made up my mind... I was going to blow caution to the wind and just do it. 

I let my hair transition for about 6 months and on the 10th of April, I went in for the big chop. I didn't cut it too low so it is more of a mini afro but I can tell you this, I feel so free and I am glad I have chosen to begin this new hair journey. It was really an easy decision for me because I already knew I had good hair genes and I knew that I could always relax it later if the stress got too much BUT what really matters right now to me is that I dared to be different. 

A lot of people give me queer looks but it's nothing because as soon as I get paid my salary, I will definitely make wigs. I mean while my hair grows I can still slay right? Lol. What do you think of my new haircut? 

PS: M is on natural hair... look at my home girl? Mentor or not? S/O to my day 1 for daring to be different. You greatly inspired me.
Yours Faithfully, 
The Lagos Rebel 😍